How to Choose Your First Digital Camera

Are you in the market for your first digital camera? Well, you know firsthand how many cameras there are in the market. Many have confusing names, details, features, etc., especially for a beginner in photography.

This page tackles the different factors one must consider when purchasing a camera such as the price, lens system, video performance, size, weight, resolution rating, purpose, sensor size, speed, and performance.


how to choose your first digital camera

Photography is considered an expensive hobby, so spending a grand on your first digital camera is not wise. You might be wondering why. Well, you may find out that photography isn’t for you. You may get bored with photography, so if you don’t use the camera again, the money you invested in a camera might be wasted.

Furthermore, you may also have a hard time with photography. Learning photography requires you to understand your camera, its settings, and the rules of photography, which can be difficult at first. Don’t worry, because practice makes perfect! Invest hours into getting to know your camera and maximizing different settings.

Of course, if money is no object for you, then you can purchase any camera that’s perfect for a first-timer but also of good quality. It also gives you the freedom to purchase any camera you want.

Size and Weight

After considering the money you’d be willing to spend on your first digital camera, you should next consider your camera’s physical size and weight. It’s recommended to visit physical stores to try out the cameras in person. When you ask any photographer, they’ll tell you how they chose a camera just because of how it feels in their hands.

Of course, if you plan on spending hours with this hobby, it mustn’t be too heavy when you carry it. If possible, it should also feel like the camera fits perfectly in your hands. However, if you don’t have the time to visit a physical store, you can search for the camera’s dimensions and weight instead. You’ll find this with a quick search on the Internet.

For example, the Canon Powershot G7X Mark II weighs 319g and measures 106 x 61 x 42 mm. On average, cameras weigh 386.9g, so the Canon Powershot is light, compact and perfect for first-timers. You can get your Canon G7X Mark II at digiDirect for faster shipping and smooth image quality. You can also easily travel with this camera, even if you would have to take long walks.

Lens System

how do I know which digital camera to buy

There are two types of lens systems in digital cameras: interchangeable and fixed. A fixed lens system, like its name, has only one lens. Thus, it can’t be removed from the ‘body’ of the camera. It means that you’re stuck with whatever is built with the camera. On the other hand, an interchangeable lens system allows you to see a world of possibilities. You can change the lens and shoot different types of subjects.

If you opt for an interchangeable lens system, research the camera’s compatibility with the lens you purchase since not all lenses fit the body. A fixed lens system, on the other hand, may have prime lenses or zoom lenses.

The prime lenses can’t zoom in or out, whereas zoom lenses can. As you can guess, zoom lenses in a fixed lens system offer great flexibility when capturing photos. You can take mix-match with your composition and have different types of subjects as well. A prime lens has a lighter feel to your hands since it’s smaller, but it also captures more detailed images and is sharper than zoom lenses.

get your Canon G7X Mark II at digiDirect


The most crucial factor you must consider is what you will shoot your camera with. It has the most significant impact on the type of digital camera you would have to look for. Whether you want to use your camera mainly for video footage or shooting weddings, landscapes, portraits, events, products, sports, wildlife, or macro subjects, each genre has different requirements when looking for hardware essentials and feature demands.

For example, all modern cameras can shoot video files. However, some cameras have high-end features like 4k Ultra HD Resolution, while others have basic video capabilities. If you’re considering using your camera for vlogging, then a 4k Ultra HD Resolution might be best, especially if you’re using it for traveling.

On the other hand, getting a point-and-shoot camera when you want to capture sports or wildlife has no use and may be impractical since you would have to change lenses depending on the subject.

Sports photography, where athletes run around the field, would require a long telephoto lens to get close to the action. This lens can also be used for birds in flight. However, if you just want to use a digital camera for traveling and capturing landmarks and architecture, you would benefit by purchasing a point-and-shoot camera.

Final Thoughts

Don’t just purchase any camera without thought because these factors are valuable. The price equates to how big of an investment you’re willing to put into this new hobby. The size and weight would depend on your hands and how much weight you can carry for an extended period. The lens system depends on your subjects and what you want to capture.

Choosing a camera depends on the factors mentioned above and the purpose of your purchase. Reflect on your decisions by noting the specifications and features you’d like the camera to have for a faster and easier purchase.

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